Hyde Park: Terrorist Scare

Dear Family,

As my train pulled in to Hyde Park Gate this morning, I saw a flash of bright light out my window. My immediate thought was that it was pretty impressive they were doing repair work right next to where the trains traveled. Seconds later we pulled into the station and the doors opened. Billowing in from the tunnel we’d just emerged from was dense white smoke that, to me, smelled of rubber.

Oddly, at different stages the people around me started to panic. First it was strong looks of concern as some people saw and smelled the smoke. Their quickened pace seemed to ignite concern in others and soon everyone was quickstepping it for the escalators.

The smoke was moving faster than the people. Soon a quick walk changed to running. Soon the escalators were full of pushing and shoving. Soon those who couldn’t get on the escalator started to run up the hundreds of stairs to the exit. As we got to the gates, the security guards started to catch on to developments and they began screaming, “Get out! Everyone get out!” Smoke was now more of a fog all around us which dissipated only as we exited the station. I saw people making frantic phone calls. I heard sirens. Ambulances, police cars, fire trucks all converged on the station.

I watched the news tonight and there was nothing about the incident. I suspect it was some sort of short and burned some rubber which then set afire. Still, it’s interesting to see how people here react to such events. After years of bombings from the IRA and terrorism from muslim extremists, it appears the population is a bit trigger happy. I’ll bet NYC is similar, though less intense.

No pictures, just the story … I was walking too fast. 😉

Love ya! Dad

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