It’s not part of some “grand plan” but many of the cities I visit lie along a river, the waterfronts are often revitalized, and with my bicycle in the back seat I can’t help but be tempted to take a ride. So I did.

My timing was lucky. The town was spruced up in anticipation of the July 4 celebrations. As I biked around I explored the Capitol area, ran around in the historic district, pedaled down the waterfront and across one of its many bridges to City Island where baseball fields, a soccer field and more can be found.
If you click here then you can interact with the map at the right. You’ll be able to explore a bit of Harrisburg and see some pictures I took along the way. Just click on the little green camera dots. Nice town.

Two days later I returned to Harrisburg to pick-up where I left off. Most importantly, I visited the National Civil War Museum. I’ve spent several years going to battlefields, monuments, museums and more. Just a few week ago I ended my journey where the Civil War ended: Appomattox Courthouse. It seemed a good time to visit the only museum dedicated to the entirety of the Civil War, not just some battle or theme or geography.
It’s affiliated with the Smithsonian so you’d expect it to be good, and it was. Ironically, just as I thought my journey had ended I was inspired to return to Gettysburg by a film clip I saw. Guess my journey hasn’t ended after all.