Long ago I learned about the skinniest stretch of Maryland’s panhandle. Then, in the last few months I experienced the character-filled, historic town of Cumberland which happens to be located at Maryland’s skinniest geography. To the south is West Virginia and to the north is Pennsylvania.

Knowing what I now did about Cumberland, why not map out a bike ride that went from WV thru MD to PA and back? How long a ride would it be to bike? Was it practical to create a circuit loop that encompassed these three States? Would the ride be interesting? Safe?
I decided to find out.
The path I chose was an obvious route around a hill on local roads running roughly north and south. I started out at the C&O Canal Visitors Center since this National Park Service facility had convenient and parking was free. Riding across the Potomac River put me in West Virginia where I toured for a whopping 10 minutes before crossing back over in to Maryland and starting my slough north to Pennsylvania.
The road I took north was rather hilly but the lack of traffic on Valley Road made up for the extra effort I had to exert. Once over the border in to PA I paused at a grocer to recharge with a bottle of lemonade. Much as in WV, I didn’t pause long before heading back into MD, this time riding down the smoother Bedford Road with all it’s extra traffic.
After 15 miles I was back where I started. Evening was approaching and the air was cooling. As I rode back to my car, I heard live music being played. After packing my bike away I headed toward the pedestrian mall where I plopped myself down in an available chair, iced tea in-hand, and soaked up the music.
My full day was ending well.