Ok, so you’re down to a few hours and you want to make the most of them. How do you start your day? If you’re me then you start at the Tourist Information Office, tell them all I had done and wanted to do and then ask their help in making the most of your day. This worked very well. I learned of two museums that had been closed, I learned of facilities which had moved, and my list was prioritized. The result became my day’s agenda.
– Pier Head Museum: toured the inside of this 113 year old treasure
– National Assembly: home of Wales’ legislative body
– Lightship 2000: you know me and lightships!
– Cardiff Harbor Visitor Center: a PR source of info about the bay
– Roald Dahl Plass: central open space with a classic car exhibit today
– Norwegian Church: where Roald Dahl was christened
– Coal Exchange: heart of Cardiff’s heyday and sit of first £1,000,000 deal
– Techniquest: an interactive science museum
Sounds like a lot to see and it was but all this was located within walking distance of Millennium Centre, the heart of Cardiff Bay. Located there were also a Starbucks and lots of restaurants. I was well taken care of.
My three big delights of the day are easy to tag. Somehow I finagled myself into a private tour of the innards of the Wales National Assembly while being given a brief on Welch politics. The car show in Roald Dahl Plass had classics from decades long ago including cars that meant something to me: Metropolitan, BMW Isseta, and Fiat 600. Lastly, I was allowed free reign inside the gorgeous Peirhead building and could inspect closely all the building’s lovely detail. Full, full day; big, big satisfaction.
Tomorrow I’ll drag myself through the heart of Wales to the north.