Bridge Historical Museum River Train Travel

My Classic Farewell Embrace of London

The Themes runs through London where traffic runs along and across the great river. From this vantage point you really can get a feel for the character of the city and a sense that it plays a prominent role.

Tomorrow I fly home. So how do I typically spend the day before leaving London? Walking my feet off, of course! Today I covered the core of London from the Tower of London and London Bridge on the east to Buckingham Palace and Covent Gardens in the west. In addition I spent two hours in to the excellent London Transportation Museum. After 10 hours on my feet, walking and listening to audio tours, I was quite happy to collapse into a chair at a coffee shop. Ahhhhhhh …

Ever looking for interesting pictures to take I decided to take advantage of a special perspective: elevation. The Monument is a memorial of the 1666 fire that destroyed London and a celebration of London’s reconstruction. It stands 202 feet tall, the distance from it’s base to where the fire began on Pudding Street. I climbed the 311 stairs to a viewing gallery hoping that I could get some good shots and I think I did. While the subject matter isn’t novel I’m hoping you agree that the lighting, context and angles are special.

Another excellent trip to the U.K. complete!

How long till I return? 🙂

London 1
Viewing platform atop the London Fire Monument.
London 2
Sunny St. Paul's dominating dark skies.
London 3
London's constant new-vs-old contrast.
London 4
Tower Bridge raised for sailing and ferry boat passage.
London 5
Dome of the "Pickle", HQ for Swiss Re.
London 6
Another inspiring contrasting view of the Tower Bridge.
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By TravisGood

Speaker. Maker. Writer. Traveler. Father. Husband.

MakerCon Co-Chair (
Maker City San Diego Roundtable Member
San Diego Maker Faire Producer (

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