Covering SxSW Interactive in one day is craziness. Frankly, not only is it impossible, it shouldn’t be tried because you end up making too many sacrifices. Even with the app they provided (see above) I couldn’t begin to discern a path through the vastness that would give me good coverage. At a certain point you just give in, do your best, and appreciate the richness of what SxSW offers.
Why one day?
My ambition was to do it in one day because I only had one day. I was sharing a ticket with Dale Dougherty who was there to give a speech but I couldn’t get to Austin till the last day of SxSW Interactive. Do I regret it? Not a chance!
From prior visits I had an impression of Austin but only by being dragged all over town, spending time in lots of venues, and experiencing the variety of the city did I develop an appreciation. That all this happened in the context of one of the premier Internet shows only heightened my feelings for both the town and the event.
I rushed to so many events. I learned so many things. By the time it was late afternoon I was having a hard time staying awake. Finally in a remarkable panel on 3D printing my mind gave in and I nodded off. Literally “nodding” which of course didn’t help my conveying an impression of seriousness and interest … but I had reached my limit.
I’d definitely attend again if given the opportunity but doing so across more days.