Family Ocean Travel

Move West?

Cups of yum on Coronado as we work our way down the coast.

Moving East was never in the cards but now we’ve lived in the D.C. metro area for over 20 years. Not planned but it happened. Not since Courtney was six weeks old have we lived in the West. Not since 1990 have we called California home. Not throughout our daughters’ entire childhoods did we call any place other than Maryland or Virginia “home”. Now that the nest is empty Beth and I are considering a move to better living out west.
“Where?” wasn’t too hard to answer. Near water on the West Coast but not where it rains or where traffic is abismal, hence deep Southern California. From prior travels and recent research we built a list which started with San Clemente and Dana Point at the north and ended with San Diego in the south with places like Carlsbad, Del Mar and La Jolla in between. Now it’s time to explore, test and maybe make a move.

For the next two months we’ll be living in various places trying out different communities.

From a home balcony on the San Clemente palisades.
Down the lift then ramp to Dana Point Beach.
Dana Point Marina
Sunset as seen from Carlsbad.
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By TravisGood

Speaker. Maker. Writer. Traveler. Father. Husband.

MakerCon Co-Chair (
Maker City San Diego Roundtable Member
San Diego Maker Faire Producer (

2 replies on “Move West?”

What’s wrong with Seattle? Really, it doesn’t rain all the time. But at least you’ll be on the right coast. We were in Dana Point last summer visiting friends. I went running near the marina in your picture.

Nothing wrong with Seattle; I love the city. We just happen to be looking for a bit more sun and SoCal seems to offer that, so long as we can stay away from ugly aspects such as traffic. Dana Point was on our list as were many other communities but San Diego and Coronado Island are now our greatest interests. We shall see …

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