To a great extent I stayed focused on my “12 Great Hikes” trip. Tempted to visit the Grand Canyon, I avoided it. Drawn toward Zion, I repelled it. Pulled upon by Arches, I steered clear. It was emotionally difficult but my days were numbered and I had a goal to achieve. Where I slipped was in the Badlands.
With its long-eroded formations, Badlands National Park has a different character throughout the day. The first time I visited was in the late afternoon and early evening where the affect of the setting sun left me with a feeling of awe. I took pictures galore and enjoyed tootling around very much. In a place with so much character I was yearning to see it in the morning light … and that’s exactly what I did this time.
By spending the night just east of the Badlands I was easily able to reach the park in early morning. Better still, I was approaching from the east which meant I could assess what I saw with the sun behind me which allowed me to see its dawn character. Just as important, I arrived at the Visitors Center when it opened at 8:00 AM to learn details about the park. Meandering through this park was right in line with my drive to the Rockies so I could easily justify the detour in my mind. Of course I could!
No, this wasn’t a national park in the western mountain ranges.
No, I didn’t take the time to experience one “great hike”.
No, it couldn’t justifiably be added to my trip blog.
Yes, it’s an impressive park and I’m glad that I saw it by dawn’s early light.
Badlands is the national park that got away from the game plan.
Badlands Park Planner Brochures