Courtney is spending the Fall semester in Spain. She’d been there three months when Thanksgiving break came along which gave us the opportunity to go as a family to visit her. Off we flew.
The big picture was to drive from Valencia to Sevilla along the Mediterranean coast. Courtney would fly to spend the weekend with us in Valencia and the following weekend we would join her in Sevilla for a tour of her “home town”. Along the way we’d see a bit of Spain and tour some highlights of the south. Wonderful trip but second only to seeing Courtney was the Alhambra.
My strongest impressions were of the extend and the precision of the ornate architecture. That it was perched atop a hill with amazing vistas in most directions was another of it’s strong characters. Having been built over such a long period of time, having survived through to the present, having avoided near disaster on several occasions, it really is something special.
There are other reasons to visit Granada but none comes close to visiting this amazing mash of structures from the Moors and Spaniards. The Alhambra is amazing to have survived and I’m lucky to have seen its wonders.