I will look for ANY excuse to spend time in San Francisco and this trip I had plenty but primarily Macworld 2011 and visiting incubators. In addition, I’d committed to doing more urban hiking while in good weather and there’s no place like the Bay Area to find good weather. From here I’d head north for my original primary goal, to attend my cousin’s wedding in Portland.
Macworld has always been a gathering of the Apple computer tribe but when Shaman Steve Jobs and his company stopped attending people feared the worst for the annual event. Yes, it’s dramatically different than before and smaller than before but there’s still a buzz in the air. The iPhone and iPad dominate, both independent developers and accessory makers fill the floor, and meetings/gatherings/parties are everywhere. No, it’s less than it was before … and more.
Aside from my normal running around and having fun around the Bay Area, this trip I decided to focus on islands. Two in particular held my interest: Angel Island and Treasure Island. Access to Angel Island is primarily via a a short ferry ride from Tiburon (near Sausalito). Once you arrive there are hiking trails, bike paths, and a wide variety of old sites to visit from when it was a fortress, a military base, and an internment camp.

As I left town I fulfilled a promise to Kelsey, I toured UC Berkeley and took lots of pictures for her to see. The day was beautiful, the shots were appealing, and if it later influences her to apply then so be it. I can think of worse things than having another excuse to visit the Bay Area! On my way north I also visit historic Shasta (the town) & Mount Shasta (the national recreational area).
Oddly, I didn’t make it to a single incubator in California. Partly this was due to being overwhelmed by the number of them. Partly it was because I’d already seen so many. Party it was due to the distraction of California’s natural wonders. Not till I got to Oregon did I again visit incubators.