Two swim meets in two weeks. On Sunday May 25 I swam the Lake Audubon 2-mile event and on Sunday June 8 I swam the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim 4.4-mile jaunt across the bay. The former event was tough only because I had little time to prepare having spent the prior month running around England and Paris. The latter event was just plain tough.
My times were competent but not extraordinary. I’m a middle-of-the-pack swimmer for competitive swimmers my age. I’m quite fine with that. Over time as the field narrows perhaps I’ll improve my standings! I swam the 2-mile in 53:17 and I came in 44 out of 213 swimmers in the wet suit division. I swam the 4.4-mile in 2:29:27 placing 360 out of 602 in the men’s division.
Here’s a brief photo summary of my longer swim:
While the Chesapeake Bay Swim course is 4.4 miles from point to point, since you have to swim against the tide it’s really more like swimming five miles. After almost 2.5 hours I was happy to be running (tripping?) across the finish line. Yes, I was quite tired!
Route Overview
Meet Results