You want good weather for a flying exhibition and we had the best. Everything in the air was done in clear view yet the patchy clouds kept us cool. We sat back and soaked up a great show as the program moved from experimental craft, to sky diving, to stunt flying, to ultra lights, to army jets, and more.
As this was an “air” show, I’d guess there were two to three times as many people watching the show OUTSIDE of the airport and saving themselves the cost of entry. Far better to pay and support the cause; I’d like the show to continue forever and that only happens if it makes financial sense.
Military recruiting was everywhere and done rather well. There was lots of food, many planes on display, and a good turn out. People milled around the airport grounds for hours and hours. We had to leave after two hours and there was still much more to be seen. It’s a long event.
Even absent the Blue Angeles this year I still highly recommend the show. There’s a wide variety of very impressive acts and if you have the luck we did with weather, then you’ll really enjoy passing the afternoon looking up.
Check out some of the pictures I took: