The rose window above is just one of many beautiful stained glass windows that include one with a moon rock embedded which commemorates the 1969 lunar landing. Windows were only a one feature of what makes the Cathedral a splendid place to visit.
As is always the case in a great cathedrals, the expansive interior and ornate construction take your breath away. In the past year I’ve been to many cathedrals from Notre Dame to York and Canterbury Cathedrals and the awe they can evoke stirs the heart. The Washington National Cathedral is no different. <fix>Upon entering I think most people are struck by the vaulted interior which extends 300 feet upward for over 500 feet. It’s this emotional reaction to the vastness of hand-crafted, glorious space which I believe delivers on Rev. Satterlee’s vision for the Cathedral.
One special feature of most cathedrals is the view. Almost all cathedrals have towers from which you can see great distances but access is not always available to the public. The seventh floor connecting the two towers of the Washington National Cathedral is open and not only are the views spectacular but there’s a small museum detailing the cathedral’s construction. Since the cathedral sits on St. Alban’s hill it’s one of the highest points in any direction and you can see forever … through slightly dirty glass. Oh well.
Below are a few pictures from my visit.