Road trips with Kelsey are starting to become a tradition. Our first outing was down the east coast to Charleston. Our second trip was along Route 66 <fix> from Chicago to Santa Monica. She’s proven to have what it takes to flourish on this kind of trip so why not keep it going?! Heck, soon she’ll be able to share in the driving so we can do even more.
Wanting to ensure she has a good time, I take her over territory I’m already familiar with. Just recently I had been along the Maine coast <fix>and up to Prince Edward Isle, <fix> two years ago I drove across Canada, and three years ago I’d visited Niagara Falls. I proposed weaving these together into one massive loop and she agreed. The route of our trip is mapped below. We started in D.C. and went clockwise around the circuit.
Suffice to say, we had a blast. The weather didn’t always cooperate but we made a good time of it all. We were flexible, spontaneous and curious. We took lots of pictures, learned many things and just enjoyed traveling together. Want proof? Check out our photos!
Three years till Kelsey goes off to college; I hope we take more trips.