There’s a technique I learned in my early days of making speeches. It’s called “progressive disclosure”. The idea is I only show you want I want you to see at any given moment. I’m going to use that technique here with my favorite spot in Fargo. These pictures are taken of the Hotel Donaldson at the corner of First and Broadway in downtown Fargo. Please scroll down and learn how citizens of Fargo apply their creative energies.
Yes, two faces of Hotel Donaldson are draped in a curtain of connected bras.
By the way, my drive today was derailed when half way to Milwaukee an early snow storm hit which forced me off the road and in to the safety of a hotel.
I take weather risks when traveling this far north at this time of year but remarkably I’ve had great luck this trip. Evidence the picture of the island in my next blog post. It was taken less than 24 hours after blinding snow drove me off the highway. Amazing.
To this point I had been on a madman’s rush home. I take my family schedule commitments seriously and I’d promised to return by a certain date. This weather incident caused us to reassess my need to get back so soon and we agreed I’d take a lazy route home. My chosen route was the perimeter of Lake Michigan along the Upper Peninsula and then the Lower Peninsula. My goal would be again to chase lighthouses. If not now, when?
Next stop: Green Bay!