I spent the day learning the basics of Wisconsin and Green Bay then shooting up the Door Peninsula to visit Potawatomi State Park, Sturgeon Bay, Cana Island Lighthouse, up to Northport where ferries depart to near by islands. This peninsula protrudes east into Lake Michigan, as if Wisconsin’s thumb.
In Green Bay I visited the Railroad Museum and Neville Public Museum where I focused to learn local history. Everyone knows Wisconsin is all about cheese making, brewing, and lumber but who knew that Green Bay was once very big in ice farming!? Football was big in Green Bay where the legacy of Vince Lombardi’s Green Bay Packers lives on to the present.
Heading up the peninsula, my first delight was Potawatomi State Park where the trees were at their peak. Driving through the yellow to gold to rust leaf corridors as beams of sunlight peaked through was uplifting. The water views, especially from atop Potawatomi Tower were spectacular. The panorama above was stitched together on my iPhone from five pictures taken from the viewing platform. Other than being very cold, I was having a great time!
Today was the warm-up to my next few days of lighthouse hunting. The peninsula had a few lights and by seeking them out I could sharpen my finding skills.
Things started off well. The Cana Island Lighthouse was a winner though the walking path to the island was almost covered by the rising tide. I had to make my trip quick or I’d not be able to leave.
Another reason I had to be quick was the diminishing light. In winter I always lose sunlight too early in my day’s agenda. By the time I reached the peninsula’s tip it was dark.