To complete my navigation of the U.S. side of Lake Erie I needed to drive from Detroit to Erie (perviously I’ve driven the Erie to Buffalo stretch). However, I woke up in Ann Arbor and there was no way I wasn’t going to tour the University of Michigan, visit the Ford Library, and go shirt-shopping for my girls. Since bed that night was south of Pittsburg I needed an early start and many hours behind the wheel. I’m homeward bound!
Since age 16 when I worked on the Ford for President campaign I’ve been a fan. Three day earlier I had visited his President Museum in Lancing and was very impressed. It’s very well done. While there I learned of the Library in Ann Arbor so I made it my first stop. It’s much smaller, not nearly so well done, but equally supportive and respectful of President Ford. My favorite part was the corner he used for his personal office till the end.
As for the lighthouses, they’re below. You look, I’ve got lots of driving to do!
That’s right, I didn’t get to the last light till late. That means I didn’t leave the lake and start heading south till very late. Yes, you guessed it, I didn’t get to my hotel till very, very late. Ah well, it’s all in a good cause.