Since 1968 I’ve wanted to visit this lighthouse which has guided ships to the Golden Gates for almost 150 years. From 1968 to 1971 I lived in the Bay Area while my father attended law school. Even then before the government started to free-up lands and build parks there was much to see and do. However, my recollection is that this lighthouse was off-limits and remains fairly inaccessible even today. Nowadays you can visit Point Bonita Lighthouse but only for three hours each Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
The bridge span to the lighthouse can only support two people at a time.
The lighthouse sits atop a rocky outcrop with cliffs steep to the sea.
Up close you can see the light building has been renovated to a great extent.
Beyond the bridge and light is the keeper’s house and beyond that the horn.
For many years, this was the primary distant view you’d have of the light.