Can you say “hodge podge”? That’s what this trip turned out to be but not in a bad way, simply in a multi-themed way. Wide variety pervaded this trip!
The initial reason for travel was my cousin’s wedding in Portland. Tagging on to the theme of family was working with my uncle on his business and spending time with my sister visiting from England. Then there was the incubator theme, visiting organizations that help start-up businesses succeed. Oh, and let’s not forget the goal of completing my circumnavigation of the continental United States or visiting all the Presidential Museums!
Get the picture? This trip was all over the place.
Variety is fun but telling a cohesive story about such a mish-mash isn’t easy. Therefore, I’m just going to list the blog posts I published. I leave it to you to discover the several other themes I haven’t even mentioned.
Feel challenged?
Another Winter Excursion West
Finishing Blue Ridge Parkway, Someday
Asheville has Culture
Atlanta’s Freedom Park
Plains Nowhere!
Lovely Gulf Coast
Texas Spots
Caverns at Carlsbad, Again
Finishing Up Arizona
A Touch of Los Angeles
California’s Glorious Middle Coast
Hangin’ Again in San Francisco
Family Time Around a Wedding
Touring Western Living
Where Prairies Meet Rockies
A Varied Path Home
Little did I know that I’d be heading west again in less than ten days …