Who could they be? The answer may become apparent when I tell you I drove through Arkansas and Texas. Can you guess? Last hints: they’re four people and three were related. OK, now you must know!
The Clinton childhood home is in Hope, a town which appears to have benefited greatly from its affiliation the President. Redevelopment was everywhere when I visited. Obviously, he was both Governor and President.

The Bush story is a little less obvious. The first home which H.W. ever purchased was in Odessa where he learned to be a Texas oil man after serving in the air force and graduating from Yale. W’s childhood home was in Midland where his brother Jeb was born (see above). George W. Bush was both Governor and President; his father was President; Jeb was Governor.

So, add ‘em up! Three and three and I visited them all in a 24-hour window.
Amazingly, that’s not all I see along this stretch of highway: