Having driven from NYC to Yosemite in 72 hours going west during my eighth crossing this year I was content to take my time going east on my ninth crossing. I managed to spend three days in Arizona and New Mexico and a fourth day in Colorado. Then I heard that my new iPhone had arrived and within three days I was home again. It’s nice to be back.
While I loitered, I saw many things but I’ll only mention four here now.

Coronado Trail is the name given U.S. 191 as it flows across the top of Apache National Forest mountains. The well-kept, winding road which provides distant vistas from great height is a pleasure to drive. It reminded me of driving around Santa Fe National Forest. High elevation beauty.

Freeport-Mcmoran Copper & Gold in Morenci, AZ is america’s largest open pit copper mine. This wouldn’t seem worth noting except that once you’ve experienced the scale of the operation and its impact on the landscape, you never forget. In northern Chile I was sensitized when I saw Chuquicamata. The mountains were man-formed and trucks were 10x normal size.

Lastly, there was the Pima Air and Space Museum. I’ve driven by a dozen times without stopping and was getting tired of being tempted. When the tour started with “We’re number three after the Smithsonian and the U.S. Airforce Musuem” I knew I had made the right decision. Furthermore, I knew I’d have to stop in Dayton, OH to see #2 … which I also did!