Camp sites had been unavailable prior to my arrival. This harbors town in the north of Catalina Island was flooded with 3,000 visitors from the mainland. With no more than a hand full of hotel rooms in the area, everyone had to camp. Not till they left could I reserve a space. Today I caught the exodus.

Two Harbors was my base of operations at the start of my hike along the length of Catalina Island on a trail called the Trans-Catalina Trail (or TCT). I started my day in Palm Springs, drove to Long Beach for to the ferry to Avalon where I left my festival clothing, and then boarded a bus for the ride north to my campground. The air was thick with tired reverie, hoarse voices and residual inebriation. Buccaneers had come to have a good time with apparent success. I’d come for an entirely different type of good time and hoped to have similar success. The first stop: set up camp.
While dry and dusty, this desert campground was a stone’s throw from the harbor. What a joy to be in such a beautiful setting. As I assembled my tent I could hear sails luffing, metal clanging against masts, and happy boaters winding down their visit. The place would be quiet by night as everyone went back home and I would have the place to myself.

My agenda was to spend two nights here and during the day in between I was going to hike a loop of the island north of the isthmus.

Everything went according to plan till early the second morning when I heard rain on my tent’s fly. “Not a huge deal” I thought “since it wasn’t even supposed to rain it should stop soon.” Wrong! My solace came from being dry and having breakfast in my tent. By the time I crawled out to deal with the challenges of packing in the rain, my belly was filled and warm and my spirits were lifted from the downing of the special filter-drip cup of coffee I’d prepared. No, camping in the rain was not going to get THIS boy down!
I know when I look back it’s not going to be the rain I remember from my stay in Two Harbor. That inconvenience will fall away and I’ll remember the pirates, the lovely setting, and how it was the start of my TCT adventure.