My daughters have both been seriously bitten by the travel bug. Given an opportunity to travel, they’ll take it. Kelsey is at the stage in life where she’s considering where to apply for college next year and during Spring Break is a convenient time to visit schools. Oh boy, and did she visit schools!
I didn’t catch up to them till I met them in San Francisco where I began my role as chauffeur. Prior to flying out to the West Coast Kelsey had already visited the University of Virginia in Charlottesville for the Engineering School Open House. Her odyssey had already begun.

My job was to accompany Kelsey and Beth to three California universities: UC Berkeley, Harvey Mudd (east of L.A.) and UC San Diego. We had planned five carefully choreographed days of college tours, scenic drives, and and general good times. We became traveling fanatics but amazingly everything went as hoped, a tribute to Beth’s careful planning.
Very early on the last day I took them to the San Diego airport where they caught a flight to Ann Arbor to visit the University of Michigan. You’d think that would be enough, but no. They still had one more university to visit … in Texas! They flew to Rice University in Houston before flying home.
I told you they had a serious case of travel bug disease. While I was still in California, Kelsey sent me the image above. She and Beth were in a restaurant which happened to have a map of the U.S. on its napkins. Kelsey sketched out the route of her week’s travel and I think she blew all our minds. What an amazing journey; what a fun time!