From the outside the Arch is to be admired. From the inside it’s for the practical purpose of riding an elevator to the top to look out the windows. From beneath it’s to visit the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, run by the National Park Service. I came for the views.
Having recently visited to tour the Memorial I knew how to get into town, do my business, and get out of town. Given it was a Sunday, given it was early in the day, given I was downtown I figured this of all days would be a efficient opportunity to visit, and I was right. Today I’d ascend the Arch for the first time in over 40 years.
I was at the door when it opened and was quickly allowed to pay big money for an elevator ticket for a ride to the top. The elevator actually ascends at an ever decreasing angle as it transitions from going up to shifting over. The ride up either side leaves you near the top just steps away from a corridor at very center of the arch. The low hallway is arched and along either wall are a series of narrow viewing windows. That’s all there is but it’s plenty if you like great vistas from up high looking out over flatlands.
Next time I’ll do this on a clear and sunny day.
Imagine how the below would look in good weather!
Ah well, good fortune usually follows me so I’ll take a bump.