Make Museum Technology

World Maker Faire 2012

Katie Perry is a multifunctional unicorn that shoots fire out of its horn and pees the beverage of your choice. Weird, I know, but such a delight that people will come up with such crazy ideas and make them real. She appeared at Maker Faire.

Maker Faire it’s just plain fun! This was the third year in NYC and this year Mayor Bloomberg declared it Maker Week. Amazing! The result was a huge increase in attendance over last year to 55,000 people across the two days. With 500 exhibits, a roster of speakers (that kept me busy running from venue to venue), many how-to workshops and a wide variety of attractions I was flat-out on a tear all weekend. My official agenda was constantly being adjusted by chance meetings with friends, impromptu business meetings, and interviews for articles. The MAKE folk work very hard to pull off excellent events and I think they do a remarkable job … as do the legions of volunteers.

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