Hike Travel

Walking Broadway

Broadway Sites
I receive great joy from realizing a vision. In this case my vision was to walk the length of Manhattan …

The light bulb went off. “Why not walk Manhattan from top to bottom?”

This lead to a series of discoveries. Broadway Avenue actually runs the entire length of the island and extends up into the Bronx. Google Maps allowed me to build a detailed plan and Street View allowed me to preview neighborhoods. The 1-train tied together my hostel, the Bronx, and Midtown. Jordan was interested in making the trek with me. The pieces fell together nicely.

A rendezvous with my nephew and off we went down down down Broadway.

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Summary Travel

Abbreviated Good Pursuits (fix1)

Manhattan Bridge
So many under-appreciated things to do between D.C. and NYC. I need to get off my duff and sample, try, explore more of it! Not everything has to be at least a day’s drive away.

During certain months of the year it’s difficult to take long road trips. Camping isn’t an option. Weather doesn’t cooperate. Parks are closed for the season.

At the same time, I live near some of the world’s greatest cities. Washington D.C. and New York City are two excellent examples and they’re both a reasonable travel distance from my home. I’m committed to not repeat my past mistakes; I will take advantage of getting to know great places near where I live.

This page is about trips to appreciate that lie close at hand:

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Summary Travel

Extended Good Pursuits

Traveling Companions
Required Ingredients: One Travel Plan, One Means of Transportation, One Chunk of Time, One Driver Directions: Combine and Stir, Execute Plan & Enjoy!

Since retiring in 2006 and with the unbelievable support of my family I’ve been traveling to unfamiliar frontiers. There’s been no master plan. An idea occurs to me, it starts to take shape, and before I know it a new adventure has begun. Often I’ve taken road trips but not always. Often I’ve stayed in the U.S. but not always. Regardless of where I go or what I do three things are certain: 1) I will take lots of pictures, 2) I will share my experiences, and 3) I will learn new things as I travel. My good pursuits are a source of continued growth.

Another thing I’m learning along the way is web publishing. The consequence is that I have an evolving series of web sites with different styles. This makes for a bit of a hodgepodge but it’s all a part of my learning. Even though slightly messy I hope you enjoy my stories.

Here are a few of my travel sites: 

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GoodPursuits now means “Travel”

Right Side Drive
Returning from driving on the left leaves me with an important realization. I enjoy blogging about my travels and GoodPursuits will now reflect this.

Enough of blogging about anything! I need to focus. I need to narrow my blogging pursuits to what I’m passionate about. Since retiring, travel seems to be what I enjoy doing most so ready or not, here we go!

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